Revelation of Nov. 28, 2021, plus…

Is Communion a Form of Cannibalism?

Is the Eucharist, Holy Communion, a form of Cannibalism? (The below survey of web articles leans heavily toward a ‘Yes’ vote and I have to agree with them. By coining the term Transubstantiation, the Church is trying to convince you that it IS turning the bread and...
Whale Communications

Whale Communications

Whale Communications by Don Chapin This highlighted article, “New Research Helps Explain a Sudden Population Crash for Rare Whales North Atlantic right whales had been making a slow recovery, but ocean changes linked to global warming are pushing down their...
Revelation of Nov. 28, 2021, plus…

A Light Path Resources “Position Statement”

As an ordained minister advocating inner guidance, I find the statements uttered by
Gomez (below, with bold, italicized comments) as DEPLORABLE throwbacks to the church
that persecuted Galileo for advancing scientific truths, performed the Inquisition in the Middle Ages and wiped out the entire population of Gnostics, man, woman and child for not succumbing to a highly fallible pope (consult any honest, comprehensive history of the Catholic church popes), but for adhering to an “inner guidance.”



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