Plant Consciousness
Many indigenous people regularly communicate with plants, plants’ elementals (sprites, fairies, wee folk, etc.), or group consciousness (it may be difficult being able to positively “identify” who or what we are communication with). Yet “modern” humankind has largely lost, or perhaps “put aside,” this capability. However, with the advent of scientists such as Jagadish Chandra Bose showing that plants have a consciousness and the publishing of indigenous beliefs such as the Mayan that all trees (globally) communicate, more scientists are being drawn to this area of interest and “Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees” is just one such example.
Personally, I’ve had some “interesting” experiences along that line, which ultimately led to my incorporation of tree-related shamanistic exercises in my Healing Earth group activities.
Plant Consciousness Posts
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved plants have life, 115 years ago
My individual tree communication experiences
Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees
Plant Consciousness: Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember
Working with Global Tree Energies
Facts You Never Knew About Trees
PanPsychism: Scientists Discover that Everything—from Rocks to Molecules—is Conscious
Fountain of Joy
Hi, I'm Hannah West, editor and webmistress of While I usually publish Don's own writings and important finds, I have had a few "peak" experiences of my own. I've mentioned this one to him enough times that he asked me to share it here. At...
The Consciousness of Plants
The Consciousness of Plants By Paul Lenda, Guest Writer for Wake Up World (As Paul highlights in this article, written in May of 2015, further research with more sophisticated instrumentation than...
My individual tree communication experiences
My individual tree communication experiences, as noted in “Top 50 Peak Spiritual/Mystical Experiences” and repeated below here. by Don Chapin 28. Redwood communication, August 6, 2008 - On the way to the coast through the redwoods, doing “my thing” in...
Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose proved plants have life 115 years ago
Before the advent of the 20th century, science did not acknowledge the vitality of trees and plants. Then, on May 10, 1901, Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that plants are like any other life form.
Never Underestimate the Intelligence of Trees
Never understimate the intelligence of trees: Suzanne Simard, a professor at the University of British Columbia, sayss root systems and the mycorrhizal networks that link them are designed like neural networks, and behave like neural networks, and a neural network is the seeding of intelligence in our brains.
Plant Consciousness
Plant Consciousness: Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder, Posted on: Wednesday, December 19th 2018 Interjection: The ‘”father” of this...
Are Plants Aware?
Are Plants Aware? Plants may experience consciousness, albeit in a different fashion from us. Robert Lanza M.D., Biocentrism, Posted Mar 11, 2017, Share In the movie Avatar, humans mine a lush...
Working With Global Tree Energies
Using Tree Energy 35. Healing Earth Notes for Saturday, May 10, 2014 Very definitely, nothing very dramatic this morning! 🙂 What I could “see”/”feel” (or whatever 🙂 of the kinds of energy releases we had worked for seemed to be limited to N. America (see...
Facts You Never Knew About Trees
Heading towards Jenner from Santa Rosa, driving through the second-growth redwoods along the Russian River outside of Guernville, Ca, I started to extend my consciousness as far as I could along the highway to ‘touch base’ with Nature. BUT almost ran off the road when a very clear, sharp voice spoke from WITHIN my head, “Hello, old friend, it’s been a long time.”
Panpsychism: Scientists Discover that Everything — from Rocks to Molecules — Is Conscious
Is science FINALLY beginning to catch up with human perception?…The bottom line is that consciousness is UNIVERSAL…and ‘science’ is just discovering that?