Working with the Christmas Light

64. Healing Earth Process Notes for Dec. 6, 2014, Meeting/Workshop

Background: It should be noted that, in private discussions about The Christmas Light (when an extra-heavy dose of God energy descends upon Earth), my late wife’s guides had said that, due to the widespread preparation and celebrations of Three Kings Day or “Feast of the Epiphany” (January 6) in many parts of the world (which marks the day on the Christian calendar when the magi brought gifts to the baby Jesus), time-wise the Christmas Light actually extends an additional two weeks after Christmas, as well.

Although historians and scientists have different views for both the year and month concerning just when Jesus was born, such differences have no impact when such large segments of humanity’s beliefs and emotions are centered on December 25, then on January 6 and THAT is what The Christmas Light is responding to.

Process: Adapting to The Christmas Light phenomena, we piggy-back our human-directed energies to work in harmony with that Christmas Light, so that, as our consciousness circles Earth as we last did on Nov. 1, session #59, we can direct this ultra-high-energy combination to those emerging consciousnesses that we “see” as points of light on Earth’s surface. Hopefully, such combined and directed energies can REALLY accomplish some accelerated developments! 🙂 I’d suggested using pink, then white energy.

RESULTS: Surprises noted later (as our Reno shaman had said in the past, when the unexpected occurs, you know “something” is actually happening. ) Started off, as typical for us, just west of Hawaiian Islands… interestingly, I didn’t sense that huge Team-sent energy until 3-4 minutes after starting… then suddenly, THERE it is! The Christmas light, intensely white, intensely bright, ALIVE… I’ve worked with it before, but this time it seemed relatively “thin”… O.K., yes, we’re starting a little before that two-week window.

Whoops, just noticed something else… when you feel the first raindrops, or a sudden appearance of the sun, you can look up and see the appearance or sudden absence of clouds as a source of that experience. The appearance of this Christmas light had no “apparent source,” no “origin,” but just began spontaneously appearing “out of nowhere!” I realized that whatever Universal light we send anywhere… what’s the source? Do we reach into the cosmos to retrieve it to use or send? No, immediately reviewing my experiences: “it’s just there” as we “think it,” it appears.

Although I’d recommended we send pink light to supplement the Christmas light, this time I, personally, found it difficult to hold concentration on the pink light “generation” and reverted to simply being “satisfied” with sending/supplementing the Christmas light with our “human generated/human signature” white light.

Over the ocean, cetacean lights… “sending” additional (combined/focused) energy… over N & S America land masses… seeing multitudes of lights along both coasts, but some very bright lights in the S. American Andes mountains. Rest of Americas, more lights than I remember seeing before, sending them additional combined/focused energy, ocean.. cetacean lights again… cutting down on the details around the globe, observed some localized “thinning” of this “early” Christmas light (for different reasons), but, in general, more points of light to send the additional combined/focused energy.

SURPRISES: 1) The “origin” of the Christmas light. 2) The related origin of the Universal light/Universal energy we might use and/or send. 3) Not mentioned in the “RESULTS,” a heavy emotional involvement/commitment that started even as we were “working with” the observed lights in the Hawaiian islands and this emotional involvement/commitment seemed to grow deeper, more intense, as we progressed around our world, observing and “working with” the multitude of such points of light compared to previous “journeys’ of this nature. Coming out of meditation, this “heavy emotion/heavy commitment” feeling subsided. THANK YOU TEAM!!!

Supplementing the Christmas Light

65. Healing Earth Process Results for Dec. 13, 2014

First, to repeat Sam’s Christmas Day proposal:
 Hi Family:

This Christmas, as many in the past, we have been living far apart. Distance does not mean we can’t be together. Let’s send our love to each other at a certain time on Christmas morning, so that we will all be together on Christmas. Let’s make it a time when we all send our love to each other. How does 10:00 am sound? I know we are always sending our love, but one time in sync, couldn’t hurt. Tell the rest of your family so they are included.

At 10:00am sharp, we all take a deep breath, and as we let it out, we see, in our minds eye, the whole family being united with love. Anyone that receives this email, I consider in my immediate family. If you forward this to other members of your family we can have a large amount of energy for all. Merry Christmas.

Love, Sam

I AGREE, Sam! Sounds like a good idea, to me!!! ~ Don

Process Background: Last Saturday’s efforts seemed to produce some quite unexpected results, even with The Christmas Light not being “at full strength or flow.” So, with these next two Saturday sessions being well within the appropriate time frame, I’m proposing we repeat our process from last Saturday, for at least these next two sessions, to take as much advantage of this additional energy flow as we can, so as to “energize” as many budding self-awareness prospects as we can. Then let us see what “materializes” from these two sessions before continuing after Christmas (when The Christmas Light should still be flowing).

Process: Adapting to The Christmas Light phenomena, we again piggy-back our human-directed energies to work in harmony with that Light, so that, as our consciousness circles Earth as we last week, we can direct this ultra-high-energy combination to those emerging consciousnesses that we “see” as points of light on Earth’s surface. Hopefully, such combined and directed energies can REALLY accomplish some accelerated developments! 🙂 Last week, I’d suggested using pink, then white energy, but “got switched” to pure white, so let’s see what happens.

It seemed to take a few minutes, then ‘felt’ our Team’s projected energies. The pure white Christmas Light was much heavier today than that observed last week, but the “origin” was the same, ‘out of nowhere.’ It’s like watching condensation collect on a surface… there seems to be no reason or source, but it just ‘appears.’

From last week’s “results,” we initially projected ‘our’ light as white, ‘wrapping around’ the Christmas Light, which was consistent until we began reaching the N. & S. American continents, when the “wrapped” energies seemed to rapidly begin ‘switching’ or changing colors… first (what I would call) a ‘spiritual blue appeared, then a pink, some green(?), then a RED (surprise)… it seems that, with our intent being to assist the ‘emerging consciousness’ in certain individuals, this ‘wrapped’ energy we were sending under Highest Good (which is the only way I WILL send energy), seemed to be adapting to those individuals’ perceived needs. 

(Again, my story that, years ago, when I started sending ‘healing green’ to an individual under Highest Good, I often saw a percentage of that energy, from a low %age to a high %age, depending, change to pink “upon arrival” … that recipient needed love or self-love more than the healing green… similarly, when doing that with my late wife, the color changed to gold… i.e., ‘change’ or “completion.’ )

So, looking at this situation parallel to Earth’s surface, we have the constant heavy ‘mist’ of the Christmas Light, through which these multicolored “lightning strikes” were occurring. Beautiful, but no ‘time’ for ‘spectatoring’ (revealing a portion of my work history as a word-inventing bureaucrat! :-), moving on across this hemisphere… yet, there seemed to be so much activity that it was almost impossible to discern on Earth’s surface just ‘where’ those pin points of light were…. we just kept ‘pushing’ eastward across the continents, until we were over water and the ‘lightning strike’ frequency dropped back in intensity. Suddenly, the activity/intensity resumes so we must be back over land masses (Europe and Africa)… talk about flying blind! Across Europe, Asia and, when the intensity drops back, obviously over the Pacific Ocean, again, back to our usual starting point just west of Hawaii and out of meditation. So, rather than “projecting,” “sending,” “controlling” this energy, or whatever, all I can say is, “What a ride!” 🙂

Emails concerning a “Clarification” 
From ‘J’: “That sounds wonderful to me — count me in and know that I do send love daily – just not with this much intention to an individual (Don’s underlining 🙂 – Wonderful Concept – at a perfect time.”

From Don: Apparently, I need to clarify what I see and feel that we are doing as a group. With respect to a just-received email from this morning’s process, (12/13/2014) from a Team member that has been contributing to this effort since Sept 2013, about a month after we first started doing this in August 2013: 
What I get from this is that message, despite our long association, s/he seems to think everyone is sending energy TO ME. NO WAY.
 THAT, as far as I’m concerned, is not the case and never has been. In the same manner as any of the healing modalities (and we began as a modification of an energy healing group), our group members simply send Universal Energy, NOT their own energies, to a non- or inter-dimensional (on other planes 🙂 “collection point” labeled “Healing Earth.” The only difference between this operation and applying healing techniques to a physical body is that is dealing globally and, sometimes galactically.

Each week, I send out a “proposed process,” open to suggestion(s) for the Saturday morning session. So far, Anyas made a good modification suggestion, which has been applied ever since, back in the second week of our operation. Otherwise, Sandy and Sam have made good suggestions that have provided very valuable process variations.

Because we are working with Universal Energy, not our own, we learned very early that we didn’t have to physically meet to implement a particular “operation” or process, which has, I think, helped considerably in member dedication, participation and retention.

As the “moderator,” I also contribute Universal Energy to the agreed-upon process, the same as everyone else, and work to GUIDE the Team’s dedicated universal Energy toward the agreed-upon objective. Also, to my bafflement and bewilderment, I found I somehow “knew” how our group energy was “performing” and can verbalize that in some limited fashion to the rest of our group. (This started on Day 1, with just Donna, Anyas and I physically present and I began vocalizing what I observed. While I was afraid that they would “freak out,” they, instead, encouraged me to continue, and so I have.

Anyway, if such a long-standing member had arrived at that conclusion, then others might, also, so I simply wanted to rectify any impressions anyone else had about sending such energies TO ME. As far as I’m concerned, that wouldn’t be ethical or moral on my part… we are dealing with a non-physical interdimensional “location” for these efforts, labeled “Healing Earth” which we, as a group, participate in directing in an agreed-upon process.

From ‘K’: “Your process has been very clear to me Don since joining your group a few weeks ago. You have been sharing your “experience” with us as we each could do. I have never sent energy to you but hold an image of Earth and Healing through the meditation time as different colors of “light” emerge….this time much less pink, no blue, very very white light and a pulse of darkness.”

Best, K


Spreading Pink Energy Over Earth’s Surface

66. Healing Earth Process Results for Dec. 20, 2014

Process Background: During this last week, I’ve been back to working on the series of books I’m getting published and was reminded of a simple process we haven’t yet tried with this Team (an unimaginable situation!! :-), simply spreading earth’s surface with pink energy. Yet it also seems from the last two sessions, that integrating our Team’s projected universal energies with the Christmas Light has also been working QUITE well. (Remember that last week, the Christmas Light created such a fog effect on Earth’s surface that those “points of light” couldn’t be seen, but the universal energy we were “escorting “ over Earth seemed to be able to not only “see” them, but independently “energize” them, as well.) So…

Proposed Process: As a first step, we simply spread pink energy all over earth’s surface and allow it to soak in, including all humanity and vegetation.
Then, in a second step, adapting to The Christmas Light phenomena, we again piggy-back our human-directed energies to work in conjunction with that Christmas Light, so that, as our consciousness circles Earth as we were doing last week, we again direct this ultra-high-energy combination to those emerging consciousnesses that we “see” as points of light on Earth’s surface.
I’m wondering if this week will be as colorful as last Saturday??? 🙂

RESULTS: NOTE: From my standpoint, I try to stay away from local “hot-spots”/troubled areas around Earth because my personal objective is to help Earth from a “macro”/ overall position and not get “bogged down” in local situations. However, once we put our purpose and intent into this Universal energy, as we have seen in the past, it also “has a mind of its own” and may “supplement” our over-all objectives, such as may have happened today.

Initiated the layer of pink energy from our “usual” starting place west of Hawaii (per Sandy’s suggestion m-a-n-y moons ago). Interesting surprise, in that this energy, from the tip of S. America and extending into the S. Atlantic ocean, “wanted to go to, and automatically extended itself, to also cover Antarctica! Now, today, there’s the relatively confusing freeze/thaw situation going on there, but, what I “got” was that this had to do with the land underlying the current ice mass, per the Peri Reis map of 1513.

Continuing on, in portions of W. Africa the land just seemed to absorb that pink energy (Ebola country?), which we quickly replaced over that depleted section, just flowing the pink energy in from the surrounding layer. Humph, whoops, sorry… “we” didn’t initiate that I don’t think as much as that energy layer just seemed to flow in, by itself. 🙂

Through the Middle East (apparently including N. Pakistan/ Peshawar because of proximity), the pink layer thinned out as the earth soaked up this energy in this atrocity-rich region of the world. It seems that such inhumanities/mindsets also locally depletes earth’s energies. (My personal sympathies are also with the perpetrators of these atrocities as they must be so TOTALLY EMPTY on the inside.)

What I “got” was that one or two children of the massacred group was destined for GREAT things and this was done to stop that. It really won’t matter (in the long run) as another Master is now being born in the same area to carry on, although this won’t become publicly known for many years.

A continuation of last week’s process resulted in a repeat of a fascinating “light show” as we followed that programmed energy around the globe, traversing the upper atmosphere, watching the “lightning flashes” as they found and energized those emerging consciousnesses through the “fog” of The Christmas Light. No other surprises resulted. 🙁

Merry Christmas, Team, and MANY thanks for your participation!…

Sam’s Proposal, 12/25/2014

Re: Sam’s proposal for Christmas morning: At 10:00am sharp, we all take a deep breath, and as we let it out, we see, in our minds eye, the whole family being united with love. Anyone that receives this email, I consider in my immediate family. If you forward this to other members of your family we can have a large amount of energy for all. Merry Christmas.

 Thank you for the opportunity to join in.

This was very pleasant in that it was connection without activity, wonder without any questions, contentment without any concern of time. A space, a time of just Being….being joy filled ness…being divinic love…just Being. Being aware of each other….each other and self as pure light divine.

mystical elf (in Reno)

3 AM, Dec 25, 2014: Couldn’t sleep, too much energy “in the air” …good time of day to establish “links” so initiated Sam’s proposal. /Observations (w/no names) – Gossamer-like linkages extended from deep in S. CA, thru N. CA, extended to N. NV, a “swirl’ in Ashland/Medford area of OR, extended up into extreme NW WA. Looking eastward, seeing gossamer-like links across N. America, including remote areas in northern Canada, extending, with increasing numbers of links into Meso-America, S. America… extending around the globe… 8th chakra(*) REALLY expands/begins “radiating”… this global “gossamer network” begins radiating, joins with global tree emanations, so that ALL of Earth’s surface begins radiating love, rather than the discordance of the past, out to the galaxy, to the universe. (Finally got back to bed ’bout 4:30AM :-)
(*) ref: “Engineering Your Spirituality”, Appendix4-An Opening Spiritual Heart.

10:05 AM, Dec 25, 2014: Obviously, got started a couple minutes late. 🙂 “Saw” the same N-S or S-N energy links, but this time, there were MANY “tendrils”/side branches all along the way. Sending love along this “line” and it grows heavier/thicker. Again, gossamer links going out to all of N. America, extending north and south, as earlier… extending west into Pacific (the whales are aware of Japan’s intent to resume whaling). Asia, “thick”/many-stranded gossamer-link network, sending love throughout, network not quite as “heavy” through Middle East, Africa, Europe. Again, radiating love from Earth. Don’t “see” the synergistic actions from global trees as earlier, but “know” it’s there, it always is. :-).

Merry Christmas, Team, and MANY thanks for your participation!


Feedback from Our Christmas Day Meditation…

67. Healing Earth Process Results for Dec. 27, 2014

First, feedback from our Christmas Day meditation:

I, too, started a little late………..saw/felt pink energy all over the planet. Also saw all of us holding hands around the earth, anchoring the energy……….nice!
Merry Christmas & blessings always, Jinni

Thank you for the opportunity to join in.
 This was very “pleasant” in that it was connection without activity, wonder without any questions, contentment without any concern of time. A space, a time of just Being….being joy filled ness…being divinic love…just Being. Being aware of each other….each other and self as pure light divine. mystical elf

TODAY’S PROCESS (a different approach, because of Christmas Day results and feedback):

We initiate and release a layer of pink energy and send it around the globe as we did last week,

RESULTS: Tried to “send & release,” but followed the layer around the globe… observed some “dips” with almost immediate recovery in the layer over N. & S. America, same over W. Africa and Middle East, whereas last time these two locations showed significant drops with flow recovery. Don’t know “why,” but Russia and China seemed “thirsty” for this energy. Tried following this energy into Pacific Ocean, but the memory of a prior communication with cetaceans “got to me” and I had to pull back.

Meanwhile, we collectively send love around the globe over that gossamer network we know is there, connecting all those “lights.”

RESULTS: Starting from the “line” (S. CA to the most N.W. WA) established by our Team on Christmas day, saw that energy begin to be impressed on the global network (this “gossamer network” appears to me as the strands of a huge spider web, without the spider and we’re not flies : -) . Varying initial results, some segments initially bulged, some showed as bright pink spots, others simply glowed. Didn’t take long, however, before that global web “absorbed” that energy and seemed to give off a very soft light of its own. I experienced an unusual reaction… rather than simply an observer, I had the feeling of being “connected” with ALL, with an “active” 8th chakra, and had quite a hard time returning/ending the meditation. Hmmm, looking at this message before sending it out to the Team, my “personal reaction” today was quite similar to what the “mystical elf” (our Reno shaman/consultant/member) experienced during our Christmas day meditation, but expressed more eloquently.

Applying Deeply Penetrating Pink Energy

68. Healing Earth Process Results for Jan. 3, 2015

The Christmas Light is somewhat diminished from its maximum flow (I’ve been ‘checking’ this past week while housebound with the first head cold in over 25 years! :-), but it’s still flowing and, as a result, I proposed we repeat the process we worked on for Dec 20 (session #66):

First, simply initiate spreading Earth’s surface with pink energy “allowing” it to soak in, including all humanity and vegetation.

RESULTS: This is a low-lying, thin, yet deeply penetrating energy that, once initiated, spread rapidly over Earth’s surface, again being absorbed in some areas needing that energy, yet quickly filling in those ‘gaps’. Decided to observe impact on people… Many readily accepted it, some rejected (seemingly erecting an immediate wall), while many seemed indifferent, but they were the ones REALLY ‘targeted.” 🙂

Here, we are counting on the previously-demonstrated “innate intelligence” of the Universal Energy provided by this Team and Spirit (am quite conscious that Spirit is supplementing our efforts) to, under Highest Good, locate and individualize the appropriate energies for each individual. So, our consciousness, working from well above Earth’s surface, integrating/”piggy-backing” our Team’s projected Universal Energies with the Christmas Light, we again work on “energizing” those emerging consciousnesses we can “see” on or above the surface. From our experience, even if the Christmas Light obscures the visibility, our projected Universal Energy, with its programmed intelligence, will still connect.

RESULTS: Again, pushing (or following? 🙂 from a north-to-south line, from our traditional “starting position” somewhat east of Hawaii, just above the atmosphere, became conscious of a strange feeling of excitement (HUH? This is also quite new) as we combine energies with the Christmas Light for the last time this year in helping to ‘energize’ those points of light on earth’s surface. Again, flashes, like cloud-to-cloud lightning, but of various colors, according to individual needs… “colorful displays,” particularly over high-population areas. Aside from that initial emotional feeling, no real surprises as we traverse earth’s surface, just an interesting “light show.” 🙂

Repeating the Pink Light Applications

69. Healing Earth Process Results for Jan. 10, 2015

Short operations, long “results”…

BACKROUND: Thinking of the exercise of Christmas morning (from Sam’s suggestion), we consider the geographical alignment of this Team along our West Coast: From Temecula/SanDiego, CA through Los Osos/San Luis Obisbo, CA, to Santa Rosa and Redding, CA, with another extension to Reno, NV, the “metroplex” of Klamath falls/Ashland/Medford, OR, up through Astoria, OR and all the way up the coast to Benton City and Blaine, WA, the extreme N-to-S distance of almost 1400 miles, just shy of 20% of Earth’s circumference, pole-to-pole. This is not insignificant!

Now, from our earlier efforts, we have observed a “gossamer” thread-like linkage between the various points of light (apparently emerging consciousnesses) all over the globe. Then in re-editing one of the books I’m in the process of preparing for POD and e-book publication (book #4, “The Path to the Inner Self”), I ran across these quotes in reference to “The World of Tomorrow:” “You will be growing into that aspect of yourself that cleanses its light, raises its vibrations and, by exuding gracious light and allows those other lights on the planet to communicate, experiencing one another.” … “That is the world of tomorrow, the world where souls touch one another, the world where your light connects with other lights. At that time, the consciousness of the planet will be greatly uplifted…”

PROCESS: So, with all of this in mind, I proposed that we repeat the processes we used this last Dec 7, (process # 67), in that:

• First, we simply initiate spreading Earth’s surface with pink energy “allowing” it to soak in, including all humanity and vegetation, with the idea that, as before, that layer will re-heal whenever it might be locally “depleted.”

RESULT: Couldn’t help myself :-)… intended to simply release the pink layer around the globe, but had to “follow” to see what happened… starting out just west of Hawaii, “saw” some small “sink holes” (like the last times, I interpret these as areas where local people and/or earth REALLY need this energy) develop and re-fill/re-flow in our Midwest, South, Washington and NE Seaboard (good-size one around Washington… but this is NOT the same kind of operation like we undertook well over a year ago when we were working to “clean up” the “black monolith” MC layers in that area); Central America (throughout and particularly Mexico City area); a “large, shallow” one in S. America (I assume in the heavy de-forestation areas ?); Australia and New Zealand relatively O.K.; West Africa and the Middle East with large areas, but not as large as previously; Europe and Russia with “varying sizes” of these “sink holes”; China and SE Asia, many “holes” some possibly areas still recovering from Japanese army atrocities (when Japan had been given the go-ahead from T. Roosevelt to be the “Aryans of the Orient”); and the Philippines… some heavy “holes” from both Japanese and American atrocities.

• Meanwhile, using this Team linkage and that gossamer network we know is there, connecting all those “lights” around the globe, we collectively send love around the globe over that global network.

RESULT: Since Sandy had been concerned that she hadn’t “seen” the “Children of the World” recently, I “asked” to see who was connected to these “points of light” that constitutes the connections of this gossamer network. Apparently VERY FEW (relatively) of us old-timers (my age group); then a small age gap, jumping to a group of people in their 50s, then 40s (O.K., possibly/probably the 2nd and 3rd tier of “entering masters”), but a global ARMY of younger ages, down to even infants. So, while not emphasizing the Children of the World as we once did, they are apparently automatically addressed with our “points of light” processes.

This 40-45-minute session was deeper than usual, so had to use apricot light to help return. 🙂

THANK YOU, Team, those in spirit who assisted us, and That Multidimensional Beingness referred to by many names, including that of God. 🙂



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