Study finds virus on tiny particles of air pollution
Repost: How far does coronavirus travel in the air? Italian scientists have found the virus on tiny particles of air pollution in a preliminary study…
Air Pollution Linked to Higher Coronavirus Death Rates
In this repost from the NYT, Lisa Friedman reports that coronavirus patients in areas that had high levels of air pollution before the pandemic are more likely to die from the infection than patients in cleaner parts of the country, according to a new nationwide study that offers the first clear link between long- term exposure to pollution and Covid-19 death rates.

The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them
The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them (Interjection – Very informative detailed article, PLUS a NYT article pollution-coronavirus-covid.html linking infections to highly polluted areas AND I remember...Ancient Egyptian technology may be our first line of defense from hospital infections
Egyptian medical text written c. 2600-2000 BC cites use of copper to sterilize chest wounds and drinking water. “Copper kills everything. Why wouldn’t you use it?”
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