Is America A Christian Nation?

There is a widely held opinion that the United Stated of America is a Christian nation. This perspective is in direct opposition to the actual history of the country.

America’s very existence was ordained on the premise that its inhabitants would be physically “protected” by oceans to either side and benign neighbors north and south, ergo, Americans would be able to devote more time/energy to spiritual pursuits, rather than scrabbling for existence. Up until recently, we have welcomed asylum-seekers from virtually any and all other countries: The following, by Emma Lazarus, in 1883, was inscribed beneath the Statue of Liberty in 1903, On Ellis Island, the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the U.S. as the United States’ busiest immigrant inspection station for over 60 years from 1892 until 1954.

“Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That inscription has been “America’s motto” for well over a century, until the tRump administration’s very un-Christianlike/non-spiritual policy of breaking up and tearing apart refugee families on our southern border. Moreover, the very first treaty between the fledgling America and a foreign power, purportedly written by George Washington himself (first link below) specifically states that America was NOT founded as a “Christian” nation.

In this category we share posts that address the question, Is America a Christian nation? We hope this will clarify the topic for those who seek a better understanding of the principles the United States was founded upon. The links below lead to key articles, and there are more in this category well worth reading.

Moroccan–American Treaty of Friendship, 1777
Masons and the Making of America
How the Religious Right Indoctrinates Followers with a False Version of History
A New World is Dawning and the US Will No Longer Lead It
Is a Senior Air Force General using his power to spread far-right Christian Nationalism?
Questions You Don’t Need to Ask an Atheist…and Our Responses

A Light Path Resources “Position Statement”

A Light Path Resources “Position Statement”

As an ordained minister advocating inner guidance, I find the statements uttered by
Gomez (below, with bold, italicized comments) as DEPLORABLE throwbacks to the church
that persecuted Galileo for advancing scientific truths, performed the Inquisition in the Middle Ages and wiped out the entire population of Gnostics, man, woman and child for not succumbing to a highly fallible pope (consult any honest, comprehensive history of the Catholic church popes), but for adhering to an “inner guidance.”

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The Energy of Places of Worship

The Energy of Places of Worship

The Energy of Places of Worship Don Chapin, PhD, December 15, 2019 John Greim / LightRocket via Getty Images... This picture, from the article “Millennials Are Leaving Religion And Not Coming Back” appears to be a throw-back to the medieval “Christian” church practice...

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America’s Potemkin War in Afghanistan (and Elsewhere)

America’s Potemkin War in Afghanistan (and Elsewhere)

Iraq and Afghanistan veteran, Maj. Danny Sjursen, tells us why “after fifteen months toiled away in Iraq, and by then nine months suffered in Afghanistan, I knew something civilian observers didn’t: most generals didn’t want the truth anyway. They bought my Potemkin patrols hook-line-and-sinker because they wanted to believe, needed to believe, that the aimless wars, which defined their careers and augured their coveted promotions, could be won. And, surprise: they still haven’t been; and won’t be.”

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The ungodly Constitution: How the Founding Fathers ensured America would not be a Christian nation

The ungodly Constitution: How the Founding Fathers ensured America would not be a Christian nation

The ungodly Constitution: How the Founding Fathers ensured America would not be a Christian nation: Was the United States founded as a Christian nation, meaning that the framers of the Constitution established a government whose laws would not only reflect but also enforce the rules of a particular brand of Christianity? No, period. Repost of Susan Jacoby’s article at

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Masons and the Making of America

Masons and the Making of America

Thirty three percent (33%) of the signers of our Constitution were Freemasons, and freemasonry, in general, was not in favor of the rigidity of the “Christian” church, as indicated by my bold font highlights in this article. The evidence is extremely clear: IN NO WAY was the U.S. initiated as a “Christian” nation! ~ Don Chapin

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How the Religious Right Indoctrinates Followers With False Version of History

How the Religious Right Indoctrinates Followers With False Version of History

REPOST – American evangelical political engagement is built on a very weak historical foundation. It is time that Christian philanthropists, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit informed by the pursuit of truth and a concern for the testimony of the Gospel in the world, take the long view and invest in responsible Christian thinking about the American past. The American republic, and more importantly, the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, depends on it.

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The Truth About Radical Islam

The Truth About Radical Islam

A very thought-provoking and believable piece, particularly when compared to How FDR provoked Japan into attacking the U.S. so we could enter WWII to assist Europe against Hitler How the DoD trains S. American military in combating popular internal “uprisings.” How...

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Is America a Christian Nation?

Is America a Christian Nation?

For those wondering if in fact the founders of our country intended American to be a Christian nation, find the answer to the question, Is America a Christian nation? in Article 11 of this document. Dated and signed 1796-97, it is reputed that George Washington himself drafted this treaty, supported by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

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