The Astral Plane Heart-to-Heart Replicator:
Design Intent:
This completed Replicator is based on an often-stated axiom that the most effective means of communication between two people is heart-to-heart, AND that, in the quantum field, devices can be constructed without specifying details. I therefore requested a device be constructed in which a finite number of people (as few as one) could provide Universal Energy generated from their hearts and the Replicator output would constitute multiple streams of that energy to be directed to a user-designated “target,” a specific group, nation, region, etc., or even to all the billions of people on Earth.
The first Healing Earth Team application of this astral plane device was on July 4, 2015 (Healing Earth session # 94.) This is an Astral Plane device that replicates our designated heart-felt-and-directed energies and sends it to any “targeted” group, country or even to all of humanity all over Earth. To me, the Replicator seemed almost thin, but dimensionally with variable width and height, resembling a car’s radiator with the energies from our Team entering one side (like the airflow from a car’s grill), and the other side streaming all over the earth to wherever designated by the initiator(s).
An interesting feature was that, no matter at what part of Earth I was looking, a city, country or continent, the Replicator (or its projection) was “right there” adjusting its height and width… which adjusted its “output” … to the population sizes of the geography being observed. Its actions in that regard resembled an eyeball “floater’… those rods or cones that sometimes briefly detach from the retina and ‘float’ in the vitreous humor. . . no matter where you look, it’s always there.
Following are Don’s notes on the Heart to Heart Replicator from “Homing in on a Standard Process” Ashland Global Healing Group meeting notes. This was a very effective approach that deserves further inquiry and to be included in one’s practice.
98. Healing Earth Process Notes for Saturday, Aug. 1, 2015
From my Monday evening, July 27, ’15, message to the Team…
WHA HOPPIN’ ??? HALP! SUGGESTIONS ANYONE??? I went to a channeled meditation session but, instead of working “on self” as these session were set up for doing, I decided to put that time to better use and apply the Heart-to-Heart Replicator as we did this last Saturday morning, but with just me “working” it, solo.
Visualizing that Replicator… and suddenly, YOUR energies, the whole Healing Earth Team that participated this last Saturday morning, WERE THERE! I was so “got” that “we” just went through the blue and pink energy processes and concepts and didn’t really proceed as far as the white.
Yes, I know we work in an Astral plane (or maybe higher?) and that (logically/with left-brain acknowledgement) time and space do not exist but, regardless, this experience still felt so WEIRD! The FULL TEAM ENERGIES went through the Heart-to-Heart blue and pink processes from Saturday, until I “lost it” (too flubbergasted) before we went into the white process.
From Jinni: So, what’s the problem? We set our strong intentions into the electromagnetic field and it remembered. Go with it!
Don: Jinni’s input (above) has a VERY valid point! While I’m not sure “the electromagnetic field” is the “right” terminology (technically, we can supposedly measure electromagnetic fields, but this Universal Energy??? :-), she’s advancing the most appropriate “Occam’s razor” explanation…that the energy field we’re utilizing has an intelligence AND a memory that we’ve utilized in the past and that is now AGAIN working in our favor. I wonder how many of you have tried this Heart-to-Heart Replicator on your own? If so, do you also “feel” the Team energies providing an input to the Replicator?
BACKGROUND: Contrary to the ever-changing weekly process concept we have followed for the first 95 weeks of this group’s existence, the last few week’s processes have homed in on one general process, using an Astral Plane Heart-to-Heart Replicator, with some minor variations. (A variation I’m proposing this week incorporates a step we have done many times before, in joining with the tree/vegetations-emitting energies to permeate the mass consciousness layer surrounding Earth.) But, in an effort to strengthen this process in the Universal Energy field and assuming Jinni’s suggestion is true, I’m proposing we keep “pushing” this same process for the next few sessions so that anyone and everyone can use it…
So, under Highest Good and with Gratitude for such an opportunity…
Focusing in our respective hearts, we send a stream of spiritual blue energy that contains the concepts of Peace & Oneness directly through the Heart-to-Heart Replicator that, following our visualizations, purpose and intent, multiplies that energy & concepts and distributes it to ALL persons of Earth.
RESULTS: Millions/Billions of “ray traces’ from the output side of our Replicator. Periodically, I “saw” a head “snapping up” and eyes popping open as a sudden internal realization occurred. The numbers weren’t large, but this energy and concepts to remain “in front” of each individual, ready for instant acceptance whenever that individual is “ready.”
First, from suggestions heard from last week’s session, we (as an optional step to supplement the main process) initiate a heavy “ground layer” of pink energy containing the concepts Life, Creativity & Love that envelopes each individual and joins with/supplements the tree/vegetation energy released into the Mass Consciousness layer around Earth. Then, from our hearts, we send a stream of pink energy containing those same concepts of Life, Creativity & Love, through that Heart-to-Heart Replicator, multiplying and distributing that energy to ALL persons of Earth
RESULTS: Purposefully didn’t put “optional acceptance” on the front of this pink layer of ground-level energy. Combined with tree/vegetation-emitted energies and formed a pink mist within the MC layer. From the Heart to Heart replicator output, could feel deep vibrations throughout humanity in response to the concept of love in conjunction with the pink energy. … as “holograms” of God who’s main characteristics are love and change… my inner ear’ and whole body could hear/feel a deep throbbing, a “hum” of synchronized energy. • Then, from our hearts, we send a stream of purifying white energy through that Replicator that intensifies the first two waves and contains the concept of Acceptance of Positive Change, again to all leaders, oligarchs and immediate supporters, national and global, on and around Earth.
RESULTS: Still resistance from many leaders and oligarchs… denying who they are at their core… but, again, their closest family and friends appear as “soft”… receptive targets to these energy concepts. Ultimately, many of the currently resistant leaders and oligarchs will be “softened.”
99. Healing Earth Process Notes (using the Heart-to-Heart Replicator) for Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015
Contrary to the ever-changing weekly process concept we have followed for the first 96 weeks of this group’s existence, the last few week’s processes have “homed-in” on one general process, using an Astral Plane Heart-to-Heart Replicator, with a minor variation. (Variations I’m proposing incorporates a step we have done many times before, in joining with the tree/vegetation-emitting energies to permeate the mass consciousness layer surrounding Earth, but to also target “hate groups” around the world to encourage their members advancement back into humanity as it is evolving.) So, I’m proposing we keep “pushing” this same process as a group through August 22, to finish out our group’s official two-year existence, but, more than that, to also solidly impress this process, to strengthen it in the Universal Energy field, in the Astral, so that anyone and everyone can use it.
Why “target” the “hate groups” when we haven’t addressed other local catastrophes? I received a donation request form from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), including a map showing the U.S.-based hate groups which have proliferated since Obama’s election. I was amazed at the numbers and realized that such a situation negatively affected all of Earth. While the SPLC works to “combat” these groups through legal means… something that I have absolutely NO interest in, I realized that, using the Heart-to-Heart Replicator, we could be flying “under the radar,” accomplishing a “behind the scenes” operation without any form of conflict. This could potentially change some individuals’ lives for the better, and possibly help raise vibrations levels around the globe by, perhaps, shifting some negative individuals to positive, or at least, neutral levels.
So, under Highest Good and with Gratitude for such an opportunity…
Focusing in our respective hearts, we send a stream of spiritual blue energy that contains the concepts of Peace & Oneness directly through the Heart-to-Heart Replicator that, following our visualizations, purpose and intent, multiplies that energy & concepts and distributes it to ALL persons of Earth involved in any “hate groups.”
RESULTS: We DID reach some. Dynamics too complicated to go into detail here and individuals varied within the groups on the motivations, but there were some ‘breakthroughs.’
First, Purposefully not putting “optional acceptance” on the front of this pink layer of ground-level energy, we (as an optional step to supplement the main process) initiate a heavy “ground layer” of pink energy containing the concepts Life, Creativity & Love that envelopes each individual and joins with/supplements the tree/vegetation energy released into the Mass Consciousness layer around Earth. Then, from our hearts, we send a stream of pink energy containing those same concepts of Life, Creativity & Love, through that Heart-to-Heart Replicator, multiplying and specifically distributing that energy to ALL persons of Earth involved in any “hate groups.”
RESULTS: The ground-layer pink energy, knowing our emphasis, seemed to concentrate itself in “pockets,” those areas which the hate groups were located. The tree/vegetation energies cooperated and, globally, there appeared dense “pink mist” domes into the MC layer all over Earth instead of the usual even pink layer common to such earlier processes. This is putting some of the “more aware” hate group members in a quandary. The love energy and concept addresses “who they are” at the deeper levels, conflicting with their conditioning, sense of family, etc. We “dropped back” and “stepped up” the voltage so to speak… experienced involuntary body jerking. This is getting them. “Instructed this energy to stay with our “targets.” Many of them are going to feel conflicted in future meetings and associations.
Then, from our hearts, we send a stream of purifying white energy through that Replicator that intensifies the first two waves and contains the concept of Acceptance of Positive Change, again to all leaders on and around Earth involved in any “hate groups”. RESULTS:“Hitting” these leaders, the reactions are generally different from many of the global leaders and oligarchs. These leaders FEEL more “hardened,” petty, and inordinately proud of being a “leader”… actually, in many ways, “tougher nuts to crack,”… but, dropped back again and “poured it on,” experienced more “body dynamics.” OVERALL, quite different than the more general global work in this 45-minute session.
The next session was Don’s last with this group. He continues to use the heart to heart replicator in his personal energy work to heal the earth and encourage human spirits to press forward with their spiritual advancement.
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