Peak Experiences
50. Interdimensional Viewing, Posted on November 6, 2013 as Mystical, Psychic, Shamanic
Ashland Area Global Healing Group meetings, starting August 24, 2013 at Heartsong Nutrition, 1461 Siskiyou Boulevard, Ashland, OR, on Saturday mornings at 10 AM.
NOTE: It is well worth mentioning again that, when consciously doing such work, watch out for surprises, as they are strong indicators that you are not simply “imagining” what takes place. Some of the sessions of this group activity produced surprising events, strongly indicating that, when we “send” universal energy (particularly with knowledgeable practitioners) with focus, intent and emotion, the energy being sent seems to “have a mind of its own” and seeks out unexpected directions and solutions.
For those who might be interested in strongly-researched energy applications, please read Color Applications for Individuals and the Earth. The observations of ongoing operations depicted herein, while possibly sounding quite unbelievable, have been noted as a not-that-uncommon phenomena, as evidenced by Michelle Belanger’s writing on Edge Work.
49. Cetacean Communication Posted on August 19, 2013 under Misc
In response to a request for assistance in supporting the Pacific Ocean cetaceans concerning the Fukushima radiation, (complete background correspondence Fukushima Radiation and the Pacific Ocean Cetaceans) I attempted a communication with whatever cetacean species I could “link” with. Very surprisingly (to me), what I “picked up” was that even if the cetaceans could squeeze closer to the western U.S. shores, the contaminated waters are slowly moving eastward. From their viewpoint, it isn’t so much the direct contact with the contaminated waters that seems to pose an immediate problem—at least not yet—but the absorption of the contamination at the lower levels of the food chain (plankton and on up) and the cetacean’s ingestion of that food chain (in relatively large quantities), where the cumulative radiation then works on them from within. Furthermore, their concern is that this radiation is slowly creeping eastward, across the Pacific, towards the western shores of the U.S.
This article, Fukushima’s Radioactive Ocean Plume, confirms this eastward flow, but minimizes it considerably, discussing only radiation levels that might be directly harmful to humans and ignoring the potentials to marine life up and down the food chain and from a “higher” ecological standpoint.
48. Inner Plane Communication, Posted on June 6, 2013 under Misc
In reading “An Open Heart,” by The Dalai Lama, I HAD to express my personal ‘thank you’ to him for being ready to assume such a mantle in this life. Then, as a self-appointed spokesperson for humanity, I sent him, on the “inner planes” he liked to refer to (Ref: Topic/Experience #36, March 3, 2011), our collective thanks assuming such a role as a spiritual leader to the world. His traditional response of “I’m just a simple monk,” prompted me to send additional thanks to all those that helped him for this role of demonstrating to the world what a person at peace/of peace really is and can be. Interestingly, even “on the inner planes,” this individual’s humility is very apparent. He clearly demonstrates the beneficial effects of inner peace, without pushing Buddhism as “the solution,” but simply “a way.” Quite different from other “spiritual” or “religious” leaders.
47. Gaia Regional Response, Alaska, Posted on May 26, 2013 at 12:00 pm under Misc
While on an Alaskan cruise , I asked local residents of Ketchican, Alaska, if they were concerned about the oil drilling farther north in the state. They stated they weren’t, currently, because “it’s too far away.” Using a “Lumerian crystal” I’d brought along, I looked at the energy of the region and received information similar to Topic #24, that each single “human-generated atrocity” really wasn’t the deeper issue. It seems we accomplish very little by fighting each issue that comes up with our protests because these protests don’t address the root cause.
The root cause was and is greed at all levels of these corporations. We’re somewhat aware of that phenomena at the top of the corporations and the Board of Directors. However, because of the salaries, bonuses and and perks that are handed out throughout upper-middle and even middle management, these strata are also subject to the same phenomena, albeit in a more subtle form, as they “are simply trying to earn a living and provide for their families.” Yet, in that process, they come up with many of the money-earning ideas for the company that don’t even begin to address the deeper environmental issues. So, it comes down to “greed at all levels in profit-motivated corporations.”
Later, working with that crystal, I thought to ask what color to use to work on that problem of greed at all levels and the answer that seemed to come through was “red.” Now, I had some time ago been prompted to use red on the East coast granite-like edifice representing the Mass Consciousness of the area. So, was this answer coming from me or from “outside?” Regardless, it seemed consistent.
(a) “Tao Te Ching, “ Stephan Mitchell, Chapter 30, starting with the 4th line: “ For every force there is a counterforce. Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon itself.”
(b) Ibid, Chapters 39 “In harmony with the Tao” and 53, starting with the 5th line: “When rich speculators prosper…”
46. Next Development Stage? Posted on February 7, 2013 under Misc
Just as in Entry #3, at the very beginning of this blog, there was a strong aroma of fresh flowers, this time with what seemed to be an emphasis on roses, throughout the house. At that earlier incident, my wife’s guides related such phenomena to “spiritual advancement (taken or about to be taken).” So, might this be a forerunner of what a local psychic saw concerning a “next stage” of “being between two worlds?” In retrospect, the experiences detailed in the links within Topic #50 might satisfy that forecast.
45. Gratitude, Posted on November 20, 2012 under Misc, Mystical, & Psychic
As usual, human language is severely limiting, but I experienced an OVERWHELMING sense of gratitude as I FELT that new wave of positivity enveloping us, enveloping Earth. SO MANY people volunteering at ALL levels, from forming people-assisting organizations to the detailed “street level” one-on-one assistance individuals provide to a new wave of artisans melding older ideas and new technologies into new expressions of beauty. FEELING that new/old energy energizing EVERYTHING. As The Buddha Consciousness said to Diane and I more than once, WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE on this Earth plane!
A few days later, sometime after the December 31, 2012 “apocalypse,” I was “tapped into” an over-riding/interweaving energy around the Earth that felt uncommonly clean and uplifting. Could this be that “higher vibration” Earth is supposedly elevating to?
44. Other-Dimension Construction, Posted on April 15, 2012 under Psychic & Misc.
Establishing a “permanent” crystal on the coast
43. Cetacean Communication? Posted on April 2, 2012 as Psychic, Shamanic
Was this truly a Communication From Beneath the Waves, or an over-active imagination?
42. Redwood Consciousness, Posted on December 29, 2011 as Mystical, Psychic
Driving along CA Highway 1 through the Redwoods, the next-to-last day of a week-long driving loop encompassing the Bay area, San Francisco, Santa Rosa and a coastal drive back to Talent, Oregon.
In a trip segment from Mendocino to Crescent City, the drive from Mendocino on CA 1 to its intersection with 101 traverses a tremendous, apparently virgin Redwood forest that is absolutely astounding. I started to extend my consciousness through the forest as I have done on many previous occasions, but then something began to happen. While driving through the myriad twists, turns and switchbacks, I suddenly began experiencing intense feelings of completeness and joy…an indescribable, spiritually uplifting event that, except for having to accomplish the driving, would have reduced me to tears. I experienced tremendous waves of thankfulness that these magnificent plants existed, along with their natural supporting undergrowth, and could feel their presence as an integral part of my own.
The next day, leaving Crescent City and driving through the redwoods on route 199, I experienced the distinct feeling that these trees were communicating telepathically. But no, that word (telepathic) implies a conscious effort and this communication capability was inherent. Further, this capability extends to “lower” forms of vegetation, as well, potentially including fields of corn or wheat, for example. This communication is similar in concept to that attributed to the field of quantum physics, yet different in that it is limited to plants, with an occasional opening to other life forms, such as that to which I might have been briefly exposed. (See quote of the Mayan priest/shaman in Topic #5.)
Postscript, Dec 30, 2011 thru Jan 1, 2012: I’ve been experiencing uncharacteristic bouts of “spaciness” and vertigo (1). In a telephone discussion with a friend on Jan 1, he later said he’d immediately picked up on a very “spacy” quality in my voice.
Postscript, Jan 1 thru Jan 6,2012 (and beyond): The “spaciness” and vertigo disappeared as I got into end-of-year spreadsheet updating. However, I was experiencing “fast-flying-gnats” that rapidly traversed my visual field, top to bottom. Initially, as an automatic reaction, I’d swat my chest in an attempt to get rid of them, only to eventually discover there was no “them,” this being the time of year when bugs of this nature weren’t around.
(1) O.K., I’d just turned 73 and had experienced some light vertigo periods in the last few months, but this level of intensity is relatively sudden, a much heavier-than-usual experience, and accompanied by this “spaciness,” which is quite uncharacteristic. Yet, it is forcing me to be far more conscious of “the now,” and not to take even normal body movement for granted. Also, having previously been a Type A working personality, I’m now experiencing a far more laid-back outlook at a considerably deeper level than I had intellectually been attempting to incorporate previously.
41. An Intervention, Posted on November 2, 2011 as Mystical, Shamanic
Back to Bandon, Oregon, again to effect a repeat of topic #30, spreading energizing pink light along the shores and inland, using crystal energies to assist. There had been one or two other such instances since topic #30, as well. However, this time there was a far more direct route. “Something” took over the operation and used the oceans to emit pure LOVE and PEACE, using the ocean’s conductivity to spread this all over the Earth…the oceans became vast emitters of LOVE and PEACE. I could feel those “words” as real conditions resonating throughout my body and “see” that energy radiate from the oceans around the globe. This condition seemed to radiate out into “space,” almost a new signature for Earth as opposed to the strife and discord that has been Earth’s emanation to the Universe for so many hundreds of years.
40. “Lizzie” re-appears, Posted on October 7, 2011 as Psychic, Shamanic
Quietly reading another action/mystery about 11:30 the evening of Oct 7, 2011, I experienced some really sharp and uncharacteristic arthritic pains in the middle fingers of my left hand. I realized this could be another small attack by my “old buddy” from #34 (described in this post). While still seated, I mentally “stepped back” to look at the whole house defense. It was pretty shabby from neglect (ANY such defenses have to be renewed on a regular basis) and I found my “old buddy” just inside my neglected defense shell, crouched down, seemingly trying to hide. VERY uncharacteristic of that species! I reactivated a number of nematocysts from my neglected defense system and immediately started “stinging” the suspect with many “God is great” injections, communicating that this is definitely to be passed on to the rest of his/her species. I then “saw” a group of that species bowing, Islamic style, in whichever direction the “Central Sun” might be.
Meanwhile, I was calling in “protection” and sending healing energy to the affected fingers. The pain and discomfort disappeared very quickly.
39. Mass Consciousness (MC) Appearance, Posted on August 1, 2011 as Psychic, Shamanic.
Working with/attempting to “spiritualize” Mass Consciousness layered across the U.S. over a period of time. Regionally, as a result of broad cultural differences, these layers appeared quite different: California, the West coast was decidedly mixed, with California appearing as “vertical curls,” so I spent little effort there. The Midwest and Southwest appeared relatively clean to a light gray (more yellowish in the Southwest), I suspect depending upon population densities. The Southeast, a thick muddy brown color, quite difficult to see far into. East, up to the Eastern seaboard and particularly around Washington D.C., seemed to be a solid black, impenetrable cliff/monolith, which possibly arose from the partisan politics being played out(???) (This was later “confirmed” in a June 4, 2012 private session with “Larkmaa,” a group of Pleiadians channeled through Cullen and Pia (ref: …no longer online).
After a few days of working primarily on trying to get light around and into that monolith, I began to see some cracks appear, but it was still a very foreboding edifice. Needs a LOT more work! I never did set any specific times aside to work on this, but did so quite sporadically after this post.
38. Consciousness Continuity, Posted on July 31, 2011 as Mystical, Psychic.
Intellectually, we know that God is all things. That, as Goswami stated in “The Self-Aware Universe,” (ADD LINK) and as physicists and cosmologists are becoming aware of in the field, everything is connected.
However, even though I had supposedly “moved into” Unity Consciousness around November 1999, this morning in July 2011, I suddenly experienced both feeling and seeing that commonality with all things. I sensed that the consciousness in everything I looked at —a build-up, an accumulation of varying levels of awareness — is quite different from the intellectualization of that concept. Each consciousness I “saw” seemed to have an overriding, ingrained purpose to be of service, but where is that ingrained purpose in mankind?
This is where language, any language, falls considerably short when attempting to describe “seeing”/experiencing the continuity of all consciousness!
37. Mass Consciousness Again, Posted on July 29, 2011 as Psychic, Shamanic.
I started working on mass consciousness again, this time primarily for the U.S., this last Sunday and Monday (July 24/25, 2011). By today I had gotten around to try tackling the very heavy black area along the Eastern seaboard and particularly Washington, D.C. Surprise! Looking at that area much closer, there are cracks in that heavy-looking monolith…cracks where light can be “pushed” through into the interior, so…
36. The Inner Planes, Posted on March 5, 2011 as Psychic, Shamanic.
I was reading “Anna, The Voice of the Magdalenes,” by Claire Heartsong (ADD LINK), trying to absorb the truths of the Magdalenes’ practices, including their “inner plane” communications.
Many years ago, when Diane and I sent a letter to the Dalai Lama announcing her channeling of The Buddha Consciousness, we received a reply through The Buddha Consciousness, saying “we’ll meet on the inner planes.” HUH! At that time we/I had no idea how to do this.
This evening in March 2011, however, I sent an “inner plane” message to the Dalai Lama and I could almost immediately see and hear him (on an inner voice). The problem was that, in not too long, my mind drifted off and, laughing, he chastised me for not being able to concentrate! (Was this him or my own guilt trip that said “typical for an American!”) Needless to say, I was a little put out with myself and set out to regain the level of concentration I had exercised as an engineer and computer programmer.
A couple of days later I made a new attempt to “meet on the inner planes” and this time I didn’t embarrass myself. I learned the Dalai Lama had made his decision to abdicate his head-of-state position for a number of reasons, including:
1) Tibetan Buddhism had made some significant contributions to raising Earth’s energy in preparation for the coming Earth/humanity changes and this process is now pretty well self-sustaining, and
2) This action would somewhat thwart Bejing’s attempts to replace him (even in his next incarnation, if this, in Reality, happens with their own puppet Dalai Lama). Later, reading “Why the Dalai Lama Matters,” by Robert Thurman (ADD LINK), I found that he had been considering this step for some time.
35. Galactic Expansion, Posted on January 4, 2011 as Misc, Mystical, Psychic, Shamanic.
Expanding my consciousness — this time voluntarily — throughout the Milky Way and far beyond to include the galaxies in at least our local cluster, I became conscious of various sentient beings /cultures, as well as what humanity would currently define as “non-sentient” (which is certainly not true) and sent love to all. Felt a strong “kinship” with All, sentient and “non-sentient.”
34. ‘Other’ Exorcism, Posted on September 4, 2010 as Psychic, Shamanic
For an account of dealing with a negative form of Extra-Terresterial (ET), read Exorcism 2. As a form of confirmation, here’s a brief independent discussion of the type of being dealt with in this situation: Extracts from The Crystal Stair. Is it any wonder that I requested some pretty powerful back-up?
33. Using Galactic Energies, Posted on February 4, 2010 as Mystical, Psychic, Shamanic
Working with both white and pink light around Earth, I began moving out to a galactic position, using the energies from our Milky Way Galaxy to direct toward Earth. Very soon I found myself working from an intergalactic position — was I “pushed”?, “requested” to move out here?, voluntarily moved here? I don’t know — using white light from all of these galaxies not just to raise Earth’s vibrations, but to clean up the negativity pouring off from Earth into the Universe.
32. Beginning Mass Consciousness Work, Posted on September 19, 2009 as Psychic, Shamanic
I had been “directed” and was working with white light, followed by effervescent pink light, on the global mass consciousness for a couple months in Sept. of ’09 (this took the appearance of clearing out “tunnels”). During one of these sessions, I found myself observing another tunnel leading off to my right side and descending. As I went deeper, the “medium” to which I was applying the white light became extremely dense, of a consistency almost like a thick oil spill. This descending tunnel came to a “T” so, mentally “flipping a coin,” I started off to my right, “received” a correction, then turned around to take the other branch.
I soon came to what I sensed was a large room or cavern, which was confirmed when the white light began clearing the “gunk” from it. Although I hadn’t expected it, I also immediately experienced a whole-body confirmation of protection (kind of a tingling sensation all over). After the cavern cleared, I coated the room walls with the pink light. I then started to follow through to address an assumed entrance on the other side of the cavern, but “received” the information that this was enough for now, so I turned around and left the cavern the way I had entered.
Later, getting a “message” to re-check the large cavern, I found it was again filling with “gunk” from an entrance on the other side. However, when I used the white light to re-clear it, I found that the “gunk” couldn’t adhere to the cavern walls as it had originally. It seems the pink light coating made a large difference!
Velly intellesting!!!
31. An Astral Plane Being Exorcism, Posted on September 5, 2008 as Psychic, Shamanic
For an account of dealing with an Astral Plane nuisance, read this post: Exorcism #1
30. Using Earth’s Oceans for Global Work, Posted on November 30, 2009 as Psychic, Shamanic
This is an example of using the oceans as a “conductor” and an antenna:
While in a San Francisco restaurant overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Diane’s guides mentioned humanity’s “draw” to oceans and that they can be used as antennas. Well after Diane’s demise and moving to S. Oregon, I began making trips to Oregon’s coast and, using a crystal as a “pointer,” directing pink energy into the water. With 80% of the global population within 50 miles of an ocean-connected waterway, I presumed a large segment of Earth’s population would be exposed to that energy.
29. Redwood Communication, Posted on August 6, 2008 as Mystical, Shamanic
I was on the way to the coast through the redwoods, doing “my thing” in attempting to merge my consciousness/energies/commune with those magnificent trees, as I have previously. This time I received an almost overwhelming feeling of love. Later that day, while meditating in a motel room in Gold Beach, Oregon, I “learned” that this global meditation can also take the form of tapping into the love I felt coming at me this morning, adding the pink light/God’s love and feeding all of that back to Earth. Very interesting concept…and it works!
28. ‘Outside’/Other Assistance, Posted on July 9, 2008 as Mystical, Psychic
A very interesting experience! Again, working with pink light and “infusing” Earth with it, followed by yellow light — which I now understand is to assist in moving Earth into the higher energies — and infusing Earth with that, also. This time, however, I had felt many others behind me and to each side, assisting with this operation. I knew instinctively that these others were not of Earth. I had been reading channeled materials from/about the Pleiadians, Arcturians, etc., and had probably made some form of connection with these cultures. I have no direct knowledge of this, but sensed that the large numbers of “the others” that were working with me in this endeavor came from some of these other worlds/cultures.
27. Easter Energy, Posted on July 9, 2008 as Misc.
Easter morning, 2008: Again, using the higher intensity of God Light that is so much more abundant on these holidays, I found that attempting to combine the pink and God Light (similar to FM radio waves) wasn’t as efficient as having the pink light of love ride along with the God Light (similar to AM radio waves). The “penetration efficiency” seemed to be considerably higher with this approach. However, in using this approach on Mass Consciousness, since you are then essentially an open channel to that energy, I found that one needs to be on guard and work on blocking out or dissolving many of the aberrations that “love” assumes within that consciousness.
26. Multidimensional Space, Posted on March 1, 2008 as Mystical, Shamanic
Language fails again! While surrounding the Earth in pink light this evening, I found myself “going/being sent” into the interior of atomic structures, as has happened before. But this time, very briefly, because I was “swooping” out into what seemed to be truly multidimensional space, traversing many other dimensions. While still in multidimensional space but on “the way back,” I realized that I needed to take advantage of this experience, so I again “swooped” out and gathered whatever “higher” energies I could from those other dimensions I had just traveled, bringing back much higher-vibrational energy and surrounding the Earth with it. After this I felt really energized (“jazzed”)…so no sleep until almost 3AM the next morning!
25. Temple Energy, Posted on December 31, 2007 as Psychic, Shamanic
Singapore,’07. I visited the Goddess of Mercy Temple on Waterloo St., (dedicated to Quan Yin, or Kwan Yin ADD WIKIPEDIA LINK) right next door to the Hindu Temple. I did not know this Temple’s name or dedication before entering, but inside, I was blown away by the happy, positive, joyful energy, which was in tremendous abundance. Yes, there were some few that felt in desperate straits, but the overall energy was almost overwhelming! Immersing myself in that energy, I took the liberty of beginning to distribute it over the city, then the island, then over the SE Asia region. So as to not leave the Temple bereft, I brought in the God-light of Christmas and circulated both energies through the Temple.
For additional somewhat lesser experiences on that trip, read “Notes on a SE Asia Trip.”
24. Regional Consciousness, Posted on December 29, 2007 as Mystical
At the San Francisco airport, waiting to board the flight to Hong Kong, then to Singapore for a back-to-back SE Asian cruise, I was very surprised to feel the energy of that region reach out and engulf me. I had to work at “coming back” to the present and felt weak/drained when I did. However, I also sensed a vibrational shift at my core as I did so. This occurred without being in any form of meditative state. I would never have thought such a thing was possible, but it was as if that region “knew” I was on my way and the purpose behind this cruise — to say “goodbye” to that part of Earth, the world where I had experienced so many incarnations, since I do not expect to come back for another incarnation. For additional somewhat lesser experiences on that trip, read “Notes on a SE Asia Trip.”
23. Global Work, Posted on November 4, 2007 as Psychic, Shamanic
After my wife, Diane, passed away and I started putting together the “World Peace Exercise” from her notes — which I’ve detailed on the website — I started using that same technique, although not as “religiously” as I probably should have.
Then, in Nov. of ’07, I had a strong urge (“received the word”?) to simplify that process by simply surrounding and interpenetrating Earth with the effervescent pink God-Light of Love. This approach was confirmed by channeled words from an independent source, on Nov 23rd, of “He got it! He got it.”
A month later, just before Christmas, I again felt as if a message came through and I began using the white light of Christmas, converting it to pink light and “going” all around the globe with that. The result, within the first two days of application, seems to be a very heavy concentration of pink around the globe…really thick.
22. Consciousness Within the Atom, Posted on January 17, 2007 as Mystical.
A very interesting experience…literally SEEING the way ‘dark matter’ correlates with the very wide spaces within atomic structure…KNOWING that this is God-In-Action, that the ‘dark matter’ occupying that ‘empty space’ is creating the activities within each and every atom. This was NOT an intellectual concept, but an inner KNOWING…a ‘sensing’ of That Consciousness within the atomic ‘dark matter.’ ‘Dark matter’ that is really ‘dark energy’ since there really is no such thing as ‘matter,’ only concentrated energy. (This was also the 3rd anniversary of Diane’s passing from this plane.)
21. Consciousness Expansion, Posted on December 8, 2006 as Misc, Mystical
During the intermission of the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Craterian Theater in Medford, OR, I was casually observing others in the audience when I began to experience another form of consciousness expansion. This consisted of the beginnings of a common consciousness with many others in the audience and knowing that this was just the “tip of the iceberg” since this connectedness was very possible with everyone else on the planet…and more. I could “see”/sense the commonality of everyone…the situation of incarnating for “lessons to learn,” etc. I still don’t know what pulled me back from a deeper immersion at the time, but the feeling was not at all unpleasant or disconcerting. Rather, it was an experience I expect to try to foster. This seems to be quite some time since Diane and I were confirmed to have entered Unity Consciousness, but this was exactly what it felt like…a version of that state. For more on Unity Consciousness, see Diane’s book #9, Advanced Keys for Life Management.
20. Native American “Disincarnates”, Posted on November 1, 2006 as Misc, Psychic
A. In order to investigate why I was experiencing “attic knocking” in my “new” house in Southern Oregon in November of ’06, I began scanning/“looking” at the surrounding area for disincarnates and became conscious of a group of three Native Americans around the Ashland, Oregon, area that had not yet moved on to a higher plane. They seemed to be experiencing the area as they knew it, before European-style “civilization” had begun putting up buildings, fences, etc. One was quite faint (I assume he was in the process of moving on), another was of about “medium” intensity (potentially wanting to move on, but not sure how), while the third was quite strong in “definition,” or energy strength on that plane. I sent them all energy and attempted to communicate how to move on, then forgot about the incident.
B. Later that month, while describing the experience to a friend during a telephone conversation, I spot-checked to see what might have become of these three. I realized that the first two had, indeed, moved on, but that the third one — the strongest in “signal strength” — was still here, on the Astral plane. Additionally, he was now conscious of me observing him and moved toward me with a big “smile” on his face (an impression, not that I could make out facial details). He seemed to be grateful of what I had tried to do with his small group, but he really wanted to “stick around” the Earth plane for a while, yet. He seemed to know I have an interest in someday doing some American Indian research and had voluntarily taken over a spirit guide position to assist me with that interest, and anything else that might come up.
C. Quite some time later (actually sometime in the first part of ’08), after watching a TV special about the ‘ghosts’ of the Salem witch trials and executions, I ‘contacted’ this same Native American to see what he might be able to discover…and maybe we might be able to help with…toward ‘sending’ some or all of these ‘ghosts’ on to the light. His response, after a very brief time, somewhat surprised me. He relayed the information that, for the most part they were ‘having fun’ and had no inclination to ‘move on’ in the short term.
19. Mediumship? Posted on December 16, 2003 as Misc, Mystical
I have, on occasion, had the strange (to me) experience of being able to sense those who have departed this plane, yet are close to someone I know. This includes a rudimentary form of communication from the departed to the living which seems to come through in “whole body knowing.” Is this a low level of mediumship developing?
This may have started when Carlos (at a now-unknown date), the popular and very knowledgeable Chief Engineer at the company I was overseeing when I was a Federal (Civil Service) Systems Engineer, had simply keeled over and transitioned when he was putting air in his car tires one morning while on the way to work. As the one in our group who had worked so closely with him, I was on the way to his funeral, but had somehow gotten sidetracked so that there was no way to get there in time. Seems like it was “no matter,” because he seemed to be right there with me while I was driving, somehow outside of my car and over my left shoulder. We were having a silent conversation, in which I tried to communicate how much I appreciated him, even though we had been on the opposite side of some issues from time to time. Suddenly, he communicated that “it was time to go” and he was gone. Looking at my watch, I realized that the service in his honor was about to start and he didn’t want to miss it – as I just had. Again, it was no matter, because the closure we had shared while I was homing in on the church for his service was, to me, far more important than attending the service itself.
18. Angelic Intervention, Posted on September 28, 1998 as Misc, Mystical
This was not so much a personal experience as a personal observation.
Diane and I (being encouraged by TBC to attend to offer support) were on our way out the door of our second story San Pedro, California, apartment about 5:30 AM to a Judith Orloff workshop in Santa Barbara. Normally, I tried to be ahead of Diane when going down a flight of stairs, because she had no depth perception and I could act as a physical stop for her if she stumbled on the stairs. This time, I was picking up what we were taking along for this day-long event when she scooted out the door ahead of me to start down the wooden stairs. Therefore, I was about two steps behind her at the top of the stairs when she apparently caught her heel on a step and began pitching head-first out into space, aiming for the concrete pad at the bottom of the stairs. I knew she wouldn’t live through that impact, but it happened so fast and I was too far behind her to even try reaching out.
As I witnessed this event, she seemed to hit an invisible net and was literally, though quite gently, “catapulted” back onto the steps she had just launched from. She went from approximately a 45-degree forward angle, was caught in mid-air, apparently by an “invisible net,” and gently landed on her back on the same steps that had tripped her up. That is, instead of landing head-first on the concrete pad at the bottom of the steps, she was deposited on the same plane from which she had initially tripped! While she had a few minor bruises and was a bit shaken up by the experience, with some sore muscles developing later, we were able to go on to attend the workshop as if nothing had happened.
A later private session with her guides confirmed that, as they stated, “this was truly angelic activity.”
17. “Little People”, Posted on January 1, 1995 as Misc.
In a shamanism class in Reno, Nevada, we were instructed to strongly “ground ourselves.” I was in the process of sending a shaft of energy deep into the Earth for that purpose. Apparently, my consciousness was following that shaft, because I was surprised to see that it had broken into a cavern deep within the Earth’s crust. I was even more deeply surprised to “observe” three small people in appearance, beards and green clothing EXACTLY like the “little people” or “wee ones”…the Leprechauns of Irish lore. My light shaft had surprised them, also, and temporarily blocked their way through the cavern. I say “temporarily,” because the older of the three quickly regained his composure and walked around the light shaft to get on the other side. I never saw that his exhortations to encourage the other two to follow him (they were trying to hide behind some stalagmites) were successful before I went on my way to keep from disturbing their lives any further. Somehow I knew that the “older” one to be over 400 years old, while the two “younger” ones were in the range of only a little over 100 years.
16. “Perfect Order”, Posted on May 5, 1994 as Mystical
While walking our dog at approximately 11:00 PM, I began to feel a connection with everything around me and in the sky. This experience was the first in which the Perfect Order and Beauty of Everything became quite clear. Everything operated in Perfect Unison, as it was intended, and as is so perfectly natural. Even the supposedly ‘bad’ things that occur, happen because there is a deep inner need for the experience(s), so everything is always in Perfect Order and Beauty. This feeling was accompanied with what felt like an extremely strong unified action of the fourth and eighth chakras, with some assist from the third chakra, so that my whole chest and front shoulder areas were suffused with a strong God-energy and ‘dictated’ that this experience be continued, rather than attempting to go to sleep.
15. Clearing Negative Emotions, Posted on December 1, 1993 as Mystical, Psychic
Waking from a dream that obviously referred to a need to clear my subconscious of some deep, dark emotions, I pulled those emotions out of my body and disposed of them. Immediately I followed up by using white light to cleanse the remaining ‘cavities’ and emotions to be disposed.
It was then that I finally ‘saw’ the white God-light with more clarity than ever before. It now ‘appears’ to me as a shimmering, translucent white, containing an inherent effervescence similar to champagne, an irresistible cleansing power (similar to, but far more powerful than peroxide) and an inherent LIFE or consciousness of its own!
Likewise, when I began using the pink light to re-initiate sleep that night, for the first time I could actually feel or experience the emotion of love that has been described as its primary property.
14. Creation, Posted on November 1, 1993 as Mystical.
At one point, Diane’s guides (Ref. had stated how The Unified Field or the God-force (discussed in Appendix 5 of Don’s book, Engineering Your Spirituality) treats creation as an “of course” event and even allows us to accomplish total body rejuvenation (depending upon personal belief systems). The next morning in meditation I actually reached a point, very briefly, at which I seemed to be in DIRECT contact with that same energy…the “of course” aspect is the BASIC NATURE of that energy…in which creation is its very PURPOSE.
13. Eighth Chakra Forming, Posted on April 1, 1993 as Mystical.
Eighth chakra forming – see Don’s book Engineering Your Spirituality, Appendix Four
12. Time & Dimension Warp, Posted on November 2, 1992 as Mystical, Psychic.
An experience that I had originally thought to be too weird for inclusion, even in this venue. I was visiting a very popular Buddhist temple in Hong Kong,having never before visited one…and approached the altar.
Suddenly, I was FOUR different people! I was
- in the present space-time as an American tourist, yet was
- also an earlier supplicant before the altar,
- ‘a monk in learning’ back in the temple, watching the proceedings, AND
- a monk behind the railing of the altar, conducting whatever the service was.
This four-part-harmony persisted for quite some time, to the extent that I had to strongly concentrate simply to walk in my ‘present’ body back from the altar. I got the very distinct impression that this particular temple wasn’t the one at which all of these other parts of my existence were manifest, but that this visit to such a temple triggered these previous/parallel-life identifications.
11. Vastness of the Universes, Posted on July 1, 1992 as Mystical.
I felt as if I got a very brief but clear glimpse of what Diane’s guides (The Buddha Consciousness we referred to as “TBC”) talked about when they say they came from a long way off. I had a better appreciation of the effort they had put forth to become better connected with the earth plane and the ‘minuscule’ lives we each lead on this planet. It would appear to take a considerable effort for such energies to remain in connection with this plane, considering the vastness of the universes and multiple dimensions to which they have unlimited access. As an example, here is an excerpt from the bottom of the “Tribute” page at
From a private reading:
“Question : There have been some theories formulated about how a black hole develops…mathematical formulae, but we can only see a very small slice of time. We have been wondering, what IS a black hole from your standpoint?
TBC’s Answer : They are the doorway to infinity.
Question : To other Universes, as such, then?
Answer : Yes.
Question : As a multidimensional, intergalactic being, do you use them yourself?
Answer : No. We ARE their essence! We do not need to flow through, we ARE. We are All. We are all there is. You are speaking to more than you can imagine. More than you can imagine.”
10. Life and Teachings…Posted on March 1, 1992 as Misc, Mystical, Psychic
After reading the series of books entitled “The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East(*),” I sent out a strong “Hello, we’re ready to take up the baton and join you” feeling. I was very surprised when I was almost inundated with SEVERAL responses such as, “Hello,” “Welcome,” “Greetings,” and “Glad to have you with us.” These responses DID NOT come from me or my imagination, since I was astounded by ANY response, much less the strength, the variety and the number of responses that came in.
(*) Spalding, Baird T., Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol 1-5, Marina del Ray: DeVorss & Co., Publishers, 1924 & 1964 (ADD LINK)
9. Dark Night of the Soul, Posted on January 30, 1992 as Misc.
This energy flow, this re-connection with the God-Presence, brings a centeredness, a feeling of positivity and a quiet joy that is sorely missed when it seems to disappear for a period of time, such as this Jan-Feb in ’92. These are periods that, hopefully, are times of greater soul reconnection and advancement. From this time, I realized that from this perceived “absence, we are always connected, but aren’t conscious of it, because the impression was that God had disconnected. TBC saw no such absence, so there is no spiritual indication that it is a withdrawal of the God-presence. In August this ‘connection’ and ‘flow’ again began to return and increase. This was very similar to Roberts’ definition of “the dark night of the soul.(*)”
(*) Roberts, Bernadette, The Path to No-Self, Albany: The State University of New York Press, 1991
8. Sprites, Posted on January 1, 1992 as Psychic, Shamanic
I often took my dog up into the forest for long walks along the logging trails above Verde, Nevada. There I enjoyed and, to the extent possible, became “a part of” the forest. After a good-size fire went through there, a re-visit left me quite concerned, because I felt that much more than the vegetation was gone. The wood sprites—which I hadn’t been separately conscious of before the fire—had also disappeared. As it turns out, when such a thing as a major fire occurs, these sprites leave the area, sometimes changing form, and go wherever else they are needed.
At an earlier time, I was in a channeling class when one of the other students started “bringing through” the sprites from her back yard. Their humor had us all doubled up in laughter!
Caveat: I never did learn to channel, despite back-to-back classes and being married to a world-class channel or…perhaps between my military and engineering backgrounds, I never learned to “release” control.
7. Bi-location, Posted on July 1, 1990 as Psychic, Shamanic
Late one evening, I had an attack of “have to go to the Redwoods.” It was obviously quite impossible to do at that time, and the next day was also taken up with work and other things to do. Yet at some point, and without realizing it, I went into a meditative state and found myself in the same woods where I had wanted to go. The appearance and feeling were the same, although I could not get the aroma. Nevertheless, after about fifteen minutes in this state, I returned to our living room and no longer felt the need to physically go there for at least a couple more weeks.
Later, I would definitely characterize this as a bi-location experience as opposed to an extended-consciousness event.
6. Being of Service, Posted on May 14, 1990 as Mystical, Psychic.
While driving to work near the Santa Rosa, CA, airport, I often took a slow back road route through some grape fields, old farms and barns. One particular morning, while driving between a deserted farmhouse and its associated barn on the other side of the road, I felt as if I ‘entered into’ and very temporally (temporarily??) BECAME an old, rusted sheet metal “no trespass” sign nailed to a fence beside the road. I could FEEL the granular nature of the metal, the gratitude and joy at serving in whatever capacity was necessary…the joy of simply BEING and being able to be of service filling every molecule. Glancing over to the other side of the road, the very same thing happened with the old barn that was in the process of falling down. I was inside the wood siding and could FEEL the cellular nature of the wood. Again, the feeling of ABSOLUTE JOY, of BEINGNESS was almost overwhelming, the joy at serving in whatever capacity was appropriate…the joy of simply BEING…and of BEING OF SERVICE. I can still feel that desire, joy and satisfaction of being of service…in whatever capacity, in whatever way.
Since I estimate that I had traveled about 50 feet along the road during this whole experience, then, timewise, it probably only took approximately about one second! Yet, that one second was absolutely life-changing, probably with a far greater late-life impact than all the rest of the experiences noted here, combined!
Furthermore, this has happened again since the first time with supposedly “dead/inanimate” human-modified articles from nature, as well. Every time, the “being of service” theme has been consistent.
5. Tree talk, Posted on January 1, 1990 as Misc, Mystical, Psychic
Several years earlier, in late 1974 and 1975, I use to make several trips to Arnold Engineering Development Center near Tullahoma, TN, driving from the Nashville airport down I-24, which was tree-lined for many miles. It was such a beautiful area that I often “extended my consciousness” while driving to “touch” the mostly evergreen trees on each side of the highway for as far as I could “reach.”
Now, in 1990, Diane and I often drove from Santa Rosa, CA out to the coast near Jenner, going through the redwoods west of Guerneville. It was so beautiful that, on the first such trip, I again began extending my consciousness as I had done in Tennessee. However, this time I received a shocking surprise, to the extent that I had to really concentrate on staying on the road. I received a response back from those redwoods, INSIDE my head that said “Hello, old friend. It’s been a long time.”
And here we think of trees and other vegetation as independent plants without a thought process or consciousness????
Quote – Hunbatz Men, Mayan priest/shaman, or ‘day keeper’ on Yucatan Peninsula (from p. 297 of “The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls,” Morton & Thomas):
“…people in America and in Britain, they are now destroying the jungles, even as far away as Brazil. But even though Brazil is a long way from the United States it does not mean that the Earth changes we accelerate there are not going to affect the United States. And because they are killing the trees in Brazil, now the trees in the Mayan area are also beginning to die. Because all the trees in the world they can communicate. The Maya, we say, don’t kill any tree because if you kill any tree you are killing your family. When you kill a tree it is like killing your own brother or sister. In that way, the Maya, we believe in the trees. But the trees are only one part of the Mother. The trees are for the Maya the skin of our mother, and the oil it is the blood, and the rivers they are her sweat, her perspiration. But the mistakes today they are accelerating her life and now it is not good because the big change is coming.”
Later, in my Healing Earth Group (Ref. Global Healing Modalities ADD LNK) we quite often used trees around the globe after checking with them, first, for helping energy distribution and they were ALWAYS keyed in to service.
4. Another Realm, Posted on January 1, 1990 as Misc, Mystical
While walking the dog around the limited area available at night in Santa Rosa, I tried practicing ‘bringing the color in’ as we had been working with that night. For a space of approximately two steps I was transported beyond the human experience and into another realm…one with tremendous visibility, no body attachments, a feeling of ABSOLUTE freedom and clarity. It felt like being in unfettered outer space, but without even the stars to obscure the visibility.
Much later, I could relate to this experience as “the void” that is sometimes related to by deep meditators. A shaman friend said he had a similar experience and we speculate that the extremely short duration of such experiences is probably due to the fear of the personality and ego at the ‘unknown dangers’ and a subconscious ‘pulling back.’
3. Floral Aroma, Posted on January 1, 1989 as Misc, Mystical
An aroma of a FRESH floral bouquet in my car on the way to and from a channeling class. I had never transported such a bouquet, nor did I have any artificial fresheners available to emulate such an aroma. This was repeated two more times within a few days. This was identified by my to-be wife’s guides (The Buddha Consciousness) as a “spiritual event” and, as can be seen in retrospect from the following entries over the next 24 years, this might have been a precursor of “something happening.”
2. Extended Consciousness, Posted on September 26, 1988 as Psychic, Shamanic
After hearing about such a process early in 1988 from an entity, or consciousness, called Lazaris channeled through Jach Pursel (Concept: Synergy at ) and before meeting Diane, I started sending my consciousness around the globe, observing “sparks of light” that I interpreted as individually-emerging “Christ-consciousness openings” (in the larger, not strictly Christian sense). I’d then send those “openings” as much energy as I could to encourage sustained further opening on the part of that individual.
I still do this periodically. FINALLY, at experience #50, I have found that it is NOT unusual to be able to send your consciousness out like this, without it being mistaken for bi-location.
1. Melding with Nature’s works, Posted on September 26, 1956 as Misc, Mystical.
A feeling of melding with the Autumn colors and nature…of awe at how nature works through the seasons…particularly at the Autumn array of colors…no two leaves being alike, yet blending into a cacophony of color…becoming totally absorbed, melding into the visual display. I later found out that this is not an unusual experience for someone who was about to leave home for the isolation of a military life.
Now, well over 60 years later, I’m working on an RV so that I can get back out in Nature to re-experience more of this melding, along with the concept of service associated with it.
Ahhh, the power of the trees……and the pink light. Thanks for the reminder! Blessings, Jinni