The Wind of Birth

Facts You Never Knew About Trees

Heading towards Jenner from Santa Rosa, driving through the second-growth redwoods along the Russian River outside of Guernville, Ca, I started to extend my consciousness as far as I could along the highway to ‘touch base’ with Nature. BUT almost ran off the road when a very clear, sharp voice spoke from WITHIN my head, “Hello, old friend, it’s been a long time.”

The Wind of Birth

Colleges Can Kill Creativity by Offering One-Size-Fits-All Education

“While I HEARTILY recommend college for the potential of intellectually broadening one’s perspective, this article points out the down-side of believing everything presented. Remember, most subjects being taught in colleges, or any school, are the result of human interpretations of human- developed theories of existence or endeavor with the ultimate objective of getting the student a job working for someone else! Most true learning comes from ‘following your muse’…following your innate wisdom, your personal intuition, concerning ‘your path’.” ~ Don Chapin

The Wind of Birth

How the Religious Right Indoctrinates Followers With False Version of History

REPOST – American evangelical political engagement is built on a very weak historical foundation. It is time that Christian philanthropists, motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit informed by the pursuit of truth and a concern for the testimony of the Gospel in the world, take the long view and invest in responsible Christian thinking about the American past. The American republic, and more importantly, the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, depends on it.



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