Personal Experiences Along the Way
Personal Experiences Along the Way
In this category we have placed many posts that chronicle Don Chapin’s personal experiences along the way of the Light Path. Some also have supporting posts with additional experiences and details as he worked with a group of energy workers to improve conditions for humans and our fellow lifeforms around the planet. Please be sure to check our Healing Earth category for many more fascinating and informative posts about powerful spiritual experiences Don had in connection with this group.
Revelation of Nov. 28, 2021, plus…
Revelation of Nov. 28, 2021, plus... Don Chapin In two of my books, I explained what I see/understand/know how UniversalEnergy physically reacts to meditations and manifesting (Appendix 5, Meditation Mechanics of Engineering Your Spirituality and Chapter 4,...
Meditation of 2/9/2020
Surprisingly, the layer of pink light I’d spread around the globe voluntarily and suddenly split, with one end entering the replicator on my side, so that my heart energy and the pink light was virtually “spraying” out to everyone on Earth. As I’ve noted previously, Universal Energy, of which the pink light is a part, “has a mind of its own.” So, how and why?
Mass Consciousness Construction
On Dec 23, 2019, in a new technique, using every crystal I had to address that monolith of mass consciousness, directing the Universal Energy and supplemented by the Christmas Light, I realized it wasn’t simply ONE large mass, but appeared to be so… it was, in actually, LAYERS of ego-driven beliefs, based on separation from Source and the supposed superiority of humankind on Earth…. a composite.
Working on Mass Consciousness, Examples
Working on Mass Consciousness, Examples These Working on Mass Consciousness Examples were solo exercises, done before my Healing Earth group, but establishing the feasibility of many of the processes that I used with that group. By election, the Healing Earth group...
Meditations in Unity Consciousness
The scheduled seminar (details below) and last night’s reading revelation got me to recall the progression of events I’ve detailed in this post.
Top 50 Peak Spiritual/Mystical Experiences
Peak Experiences 50. Interdimensional Viewing, Posted on November 6, 2013 as Mystical, Psychic, Shamanic Ashland Area Global Healing Group meetings, starting August 24, 2013 at Heartsong Nutrition, 1461 Siskiyou Boulevard, Ashland, OR, on Saturday mornings at 10 AM....
Ocean Energy Work in Bandon
Ocean Energy Work in Bandon Where a Forgotten Item Becomes an Asset Believe it or not, the oceans can be used as a giant, global antennae!! In a meditative state, while using a crystal (or not) and being "directed" which way to point it, visualize energized pink...
Edge Work
Extending yourself so that you interact more completely with the spiritual realm while yet retaining a thin hold upon the physical world is termed Edge Work. Edge Work is a very versatile technique with numerous potential applications.
Exorcism 2 — Working on a ‘Heavy’
Exorcisms While these are my personal experiences, this is definitely not something I would recommend that anyone attempt in anywhere near as cold-turkey a manner as I had, because, unless you’ve got some “outside” help and advice beforehand, you have no idea what you...
Working with the Christmas Light
Working with the Christmas Light 64. Healing Earth Process Notes for Dec. 6, 2014, Meeting/Workshop Background: It should be noted that, in private discussions about The Christmas Light (when an extra-heavy dose of God energy descends upon Earth), my late wife’s...
The Dark Night of the Soul, with Intro & Account of Personal Experience by Don Chapin
The article below, How To Know You’re In A Dark Night Of The Soul, strikes me as a dry, academic, non-experiential attempt, but inspired me to post this article. My personal experience was QUITE UNLIKE the below article…
Personal Experience: An Opening Spiritual Heart
This post shares Don Chapin’s personal experience with his opening spiritual heart, or 8th chakra, compiled from journal entries written from July 1993 through December 2005, and an interview by Inward Path magazine with Deacon Alexander Mumrikov of the Russian Orthodox Church, who discusses the same occurrence with details indicating a surprising resonance to Don’s experience.
Meditation Mechanics
What happens when we consciously (or not) go through the process of manifesting? On the morning of September 17, 2017, I was suddenly aware of literally channeling this information, and “told” that it was time to make this information available to the general public.
Exorcism 2
Sometime early in 2010, a confrontation occurred between a heavyweight, non-physical being and a highly psychic young woman who also happened to be my housekeeper. Although she was an absolute novice for this kind of activity, the young woman acted on an approach I'd...
Healing Earth
Editor’s Note: This is an older post from Light Path’s previous website. While it does provide accounts of previous Global Healing efforts, it is very rough and references / has links to another of our websites which is no longer online. We recommend that you check out our Healing Earth category, which references efforts made when Don moderated an Ashland, Oregon reiki/meditation group from 2013-2015.
Peak Experiences
Peak Experiences What follows is a list with descriptions some of the experiences I have had over the years in my own personal development. ~ Don 1. Melding with natures' works, Sep 1956 A feeling of melding with the Autumn colors and nature... of awe at how nature...