
Light Path Resources has found that the most powerful tool one can employ to develop their personal growth and spirituality is meditation. In this category of our blog, we share articles that will help you develop your personal awareness through various types of meditation. Further, some article spoint out how group meditation exponentially increases the power of spiritual work on behalf of others…even the planet as a whole. We hope that, whether or not you are experienced in meditation, that these materials will inspire you in your own journey.

Meditation Mechanics

What happens when we — consciously or not — go through the process of manifesting? On the morning of September 17, 2017, I was suddenly aware of literally channeling this information, and was told that it was time to make this information—along with many other topics coming through many other people—available to the general public. Read the resulting information and download the PDF file here.

Here is another fascinating article from this category. We’re all talking about the same thing, but from different points of view.  Physicists are coming from the material world to the unseen, while I’m coming from the unseen meditative/intuitive.:

Dark Matter – Have We Been Wrong About It All Along?

Global Synchronized Meditation

Global Synchronized Meditation

The 28-Day Meditation Challenge By Don ChapinWe STRONGLY encourage readers to participate in this Global Synchronized Meditation! The nuclear bombing of Japan, ending WWII, greatly alarmed those in higher dimensions as, historically, whole planets had been destroyed...

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Meditation of 2/9/2020

Meditation of 2/9/2020

Surprisingly, the layer of pink light I’d spread around the globe voluntarily and suddenly split, with one end entering the replicator on my side, so that my heart energy and the pink light was virtually “spraying” out to everyone on Earth. As I’ve noted previously, Universal Energy, of which the pink light is a part, “has a mind of its own.” So, how and why?

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A Meditation On Compassionate Loving Kindness

A Meditation On Compassionate Loving Kindness

The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, it is a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

Join us to create a wave of peace as you hold your Moments of Mass Mindfulness at midday across the world in your local time zones for International Peace Day.

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Arcturian Group Message 7/28/19

Arcturian Group Message 7/28/19

Repost: Arcturian Group message of 7/28/19: Frequencies of Light created by the awakening of increasingly more individuals is dissolving the chains of dense and millennia-old energies of separation that have served to block ever-present but unavailable higher frequencies of oneness and love.

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Dark Matter – Have We Been Wrong About It All Along?

Dark Matter – Have We Been Wrong About It All Along?

In a way… but science is slowly “getting there.” In my experience, it is ever-present, even within the “empty space” of an atom AND it is conscious!! The “field” of Universal Energy as analogized in “Appendix 5, Meditation Mechanics” of my book Engineering Your Spirituality and the article Meditation Mechanics includes the effects of unconscious/conscious manifesting reacting into/through the “field.” The water pictures used for this description are 3-D analogies of the effects on this everywhere-present “field.” ~ Don Chapin

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Specific Types Of Meditation Affect Different Areas Of The Brain

Specific Types Of Meditation Affect Different Areas Of The Brain

This article seems to be a corollary to an experience I had while Diane & I were living in Hong Kong, early in ’93. Having meditated using both TM and TBC’s Peace Be Still meditation – TM producing a steeper ‘path’ aimed at healing, while TBC’s meditation produced a more gradual ‘path’ aimed at spiritual advancement – I once attempted to combine the two in one session. Once was enough as I felt thoroughly jumbled and Diane’s guides had to straighten out my jumbled chakras.
~ Don Chapin

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Why Psychedelics Are Not A Shortcut To Enlightenment

Why Psychedelics Are Not A Shortcut To Enlightenment

This may be controversial in some perceptions, but authentic truth is so important to me that I had to share this for deeper reflection. It’s especially important in a time where psychedelic substances like mushrooms, ayahuasca, peyote and so forth are becoming quite popular. I believe we are losing sight of what they actually do and what their true purpose is…

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Meditation Mechanics

Meditation Mechanics

What happens when we consciously (or not) go through the process of manifesting? On the morning of September 17, 2017, I was suddenly aware of literally channeling this information, and “told” that it was time to make this information available to the general public.

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